Hotel PMS.

Guarantee the success with our Hotel PMS

Many hotels and vacation homes already trust us as their favorite hotel PMS platform.



Update rates, availability and restrictions automatically with our 2-way connection to a channel manager. Being connected to a Channel manager avoids overselling and streamlines your inventory distribution in the different online travel agencies.



Quickly and easily check availability and occupancy. You can see reservations generated through all your sales channels, both direct on the web, walk ins, groups, OTAs. Analyze your occupation on the calendar and use functions such as drag and drop to move or change reservations.

Rate loading

Loading of rates in the Hotel PMS per day or per season, closing of sales, minimum stays, maximum stays and creating rate plans in a friendly way. Distribute the rate to online agencies through a channel manager and your website. Within our rate load you can use CTA (Closed To Arrival) or CTD (Closed To Departure) in peak seasons to control the inventory of your hotel.



Our Hotel PMS is Mexican software, therefore it is adapted to Mexican hotel management. Invoice, generate payment complements and stamps directly from NEO PMS without leaving the app.

Reports in Excel y PDF

The reports module provides more than 50 different types of reports for the different areas in PDF and Excel format. Schedule the sending of reports via email, per day, per hour and to the emails to which you want to send the reports.

Reservations · Forecasts and availability · Operation · Forecast · Housekeeping · Marketing and analysis · Folios · Accounting · Billing


Business Inteligence

Our Hotel PMS has different graphs that allow us to compare the current year with last year:

Occupation · Reservations · Nights · Production · RevPar · Average rate

Characteristics of our Hotel PMS.

  • Integration of the PMS with the Stripe Global and Stripe Mexico payment gateway to charge directly from the PMS without having a terminal with a released keyboard and without having to leave the application. Integration of our PMS with Smarnet A&B adding the credit limit feature in room charges from any restaurant and / or hotel bar.
  • Lock-off function that allows users to lock dependent rooms either in hotel rooms or vacation rentals, in addition to being able to specifically book a room from Airbnb.
  • Yield Management module (dynamic rates) where you can automate the increase and decrease of rates based on your occupation from the PMS.
  • Assignment module for the operation of the Tour by rate plan to segment the inventory.
  • Occupancy Dashboard for Revenue Hotel Management, showing the average rate per day and percentage of Occupancy.
  • Detailed housekeeper report with booking notes and / or special requirements.
  • App for IOS and Android, through which our users will have access to a real-time summary of the situation of their hotels or properties in sales for the day, new reservations, main nationalities, income by category of best-selling rooms, better sales channel, etc.
  • Integration with GuestVox Incident software where Guestvox exchanges information on all incidents in each area of ​​the hotel: housekeeper maintenance, special requirements and satisfaction survey.
  • Extraction report from the hotel customer database by date ranges.
  • Our Hotel PMS has this and many more features!
  • Timeshare.
  • Register reservations.
  • Check ins.
  • Check outs.
  • Register No Shows.
  • Generate and register cancellations.
  • Registrar of payments of accounts for non-guests.
  • Register extras in rooms.
  • Register modifications in reservations and folios by users.
  • Re check in to finished folios.
  • Reactivate canceled reservations.
  • List occupied rooms.
  • Generate folio per room to record payments and extras.
  • Assign room at the time of reservation (may not be assigned).
  • Make room changes in the reception rack.
  • Update room statuses for housekeepers.
  • Availability of the current day, month, and future months.
  • Create locks and unlocks with the reason and with the user registration and date.
  • Get reports of reservations, income with average rate, income per room, by date range, channel, etc.
  • Occupancy and daily rates board.
  • Customer database.
  • Closing of the day (auto post and audit).
  • Modify exchange rate.
  • Change rates by date ranges.
  • Closing and opening of sales by dates.
  • Create a variety of sub folios (different account statements for extras or additional)
  • Manage customer data according to user authorization.
  • Generate fiscal and non-fiscal account statements.
  • Send or print reservation and registration confirmation sheet.
  • Registration card with hotel policies.
  • Work with different types of rates.
  • Manejar diferentes tipos de tarifas.
  • Business intelligence; graphs that make the comparison of later, current, and future dates.
  • Connection with RBE (Booking Engine), Channel Manager and Web Pages.
  • Forecast availability, occupation.
  • Obtain a report of operations and tasks for the day.
  • Obtain a shift closure report by user.
  • Obtain an accounting report
  • Create unlimited users according to the role they play.
  • Enter different currencies.
  • Live support chat.
  • System configuration according to each hotel (detail of channels, parameters in room types, etc.)
  • Cloud PMS
  • Billing module, stamping and receipt of payments directly from the PMS.
  • The function of splitting reservations in the PMS Planner.
  • Functionality to easily load or modify rates: per day, add minimum stays and close dates, make inheritances between room types: to make changes by modifying a single rate that affects the inherited rates linked to it.
  • Group or wedding reservation function, where more than one room is reserved in simple steps.

Are you ready to grow your brand?

Each project has a purpose it is our work to MAKE IT A REALITY together.